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One of the most common questions we get at SMP HQ is: does scalp micropigmentation hurt?

At SMP HQ we offer a variety of hair loss treatments and therefore the answer isn’t as straightforward as you might think. There are several factors that will determine the pain threshold for each individual client’s session.

From our experience the following factors contribute the most:

  • Your mindset and how tired you are on the day
  • The amount of SMP/The length of your appointment
  • The physical location of the micropigmentation

At SMP HQ we endeavour to make you as comfortable as possible and have developed various methods to reduce any discomfort for our clients.

Many clients are apprehensive and nervous for their first session as the experience is not only a physical one but a very big decision in their life. It isn’t uncommon for the pain to be significantly less in the following sessions as nerves are replaced with excitement.

The most important element in the scalp micropigmentation experience is to reassure yourself that the short term discomfort will lead to a greater outcome and relief.

Below are a list of ways you can minimise your discomfort levels before attending your SMP HQ Scalp Micropigmentation session:

  • Have a good meal before your session.
  • Be adequately hydrated. It is best practice to be hydrated prior but also during your session to continue drinking water. We will stop for breaks throughout your session to ensure this happens.
  • Bring in a distraction such as your phone, music or anything that will take your mind off the task at hand.
  • Most importantly we encourage you to ask for breaks. This can help reset your mindset to push through.

Ultimately, everyone’s pain threshold is different and each session is going to be unique. Some clients are relaxed throughout the whole session and others might need a short break. In some cases our clients have actually fallen asleep!

At the end of the day it is our goal at SMP HQ to make you as comfortable as possible and provide you with the best experience and results possible. We’re always here to discuss your upcoming appointments and encourage you to ask questions so you are as relaxed as possible before you commence your hair loss journey.